ModSort Modular Conveyor System

In partnership with ModSort™, we can help you achieve unlimited motion control with a modular conveyor system.

The ModSort station is an innovative low-noise, low voltage modular transfer and diverter station. It can easily integrate with new or existing material handling systems, eliminating the need for a lift, pneumatics, or Z-direction position feedback devices, and can help achieve energy savings from 50-60% when integrated with a motorised roller-based system.

What Does ModSort Do?

Modular and scaleable Sorter system

Integrated with new or existing MDR conveyor for simple right angle or on the fly diverts

How It Works

System Plast® 2253 Roller Top belt (blue) is used as a transfer belt to receive and pass product through or, when the divert belt (black) is activated, diverts packages left or right. Both belts are driven by industry standard MDR technology.




Application Considerations


ModSort Features


ModSort Benefits